
class dorado.Ceres(filters={}, data=[], bias=None, time=None, datestr=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

The Ceres class encapsulates a set of astronomical data from a single night of observation. Ceres can handle multiple stacks of data in different filters and perform a variety of actions on them in an orgainized fashion.

filters: dictionary
data: Stack array
bias: CCDdata
time: ‘astropy.Time’
datestr: str

Methods Summary


align(filter, clippy[, alignto, getWCS, cache])


dorphot(filter, zellars[, zcontrol, shape])

getWCS(filter, clippy[, alignto, cache])

imarith(filter, operator, operand)


Methods Documentation

add_stack(stack)[source] [edit on github]
align(filter, clippy, alignto=None, getWCS=True, cache=False)[source] [edit on github]
calibrate(filter)[source] [edit on github]
dorphot(filter, zellars, zcontrol=None, shape=21)[source] [edit on github]
getWCS(filter, clippy, alignto=None, cache=True)[source] [edit on github]
imarith(filter, operator, operand)[source] [edit on github]
rem_stack(filter)[source] [edit on github]