Source code for dorado.core.coreClass

import warnings

from ..ceres import Ceres
from ..stack import Stack
from ..core.readerClass import *
from ..dorphot.dorphotClass import *
from import *

import ccdprocx

from astropy.nddata.ccddata import CCDData
CCDData._config_ccd_requires_unit = False
import numpy as np
from astropy import config as _config
from astropy.utils.misc import isiterable
import astropy.units as un
from astropy.time import Time

from astroquery.astrometry_net import AstrometryNet
from astroquery.exceptions  import TimeoutError
from astropy.wcs import WCS

import os
import datetime
from pathlib import Path

ast = AstrometryNet()

Filer is the handler of the Dorado system,

__all__ = ['Dorado', 'Dorado_core']

def get_builtins():
    """Due to the way Python works, ``__builtins__`` can strangely be either a module or a dictionary,
    depending on whether the file is executed directly or as an import. I couldn’t care less about this
    detail, so here is a method that simply returns the namespace as a dictionary."""
    return getattr( __builtins__, '__dict__', __builtins__ )

[docs]class Dorado_core: ''' ''' def __init__(self): # open and use logger # make function to create data class from hardware, processed, or raw data folder # needs function to import data into raw # fix get_night() # add new calibration frames to folders # find most recent calibration frame if none # -> figure out if none # clear cache function self.stardir = os.getcwd() self.rootname = 'dorado' self.config_dir = _config.get_config_dir(self.rootname) # read in config from config_dir self.dordir = Path(self.config_dir).parent self.init_dir() self.unit = un.adu ## class storage zone ----------------------- # redo this so theres an easy storage and readout # reader self.reader = aico_reader() # ussually we'd want to grab this from a configuration file, should name be aicoReader? # dorphot self.dorphot = aicoPhot() # ceres & stacks self.ceres_keys = {} self.ceres = [] # maybe call this series? # self.filters[stack.filter] = len( # # targets self.target_keys = {} self.targets = [] # TODO choose target class # all early ts instances will belong to a target; # timeseries self.timeseries = [] # exclude this for the time being as ### read from config # site information (hardcoded atm) self.UTCoffset = -5
[docs] def target(self, key): return self.targets[self.target_keys[key]]
[docs] def cere(self, key): return self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[key]]
[docs] def init_dir(self, tess = False): """ init_dir initializes the dorado home directory '$user/.dorado/'. Parameters ---------- tess: boolean Whether to initialize a TESS data directory in './data/' Returns ------- """ self.enter_dordir() os.makedirs('./data/wrk', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./data/flats', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./data/bias', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./data/darks', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./data/raw', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./data/graphical', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./data/projects', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./data/targets', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./logs', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./cache', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs('./cache/astrometryNet', exist_ok = True) if tess: os.makedirs('./data/tess', exist_ok = True) self.exit_dordir()
[docs] def enter_dordir(self): """ enter_dordir changes the workin directory to self.dordir which by default is '$user/.dorado/'. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ os.chdir(self.dordir)
[docs] def exit_dordir(self): """ exit_dordir changes the workin directory to the starting directory at runtime. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ os.chdir(self.stardir)
[docs] def mkceres(self, date, name = None, sub = 'raw', target = None, calibrated = False, aligned = False): """ mkceres is a wrapper function for self.reader.mkceres with an additional arguement for setting the keyname for the ceres instance in self.ceres_keys. The default keyname is the datestring for the ceres instance. Parameters ---------- name: string keyname for the ceres instance. Default is the datestring for the ceres instance. self.reader.mkceres args** Returns ------- """ if target == None: ctemp = self.reader.mkceres(date, sub = sub, target = target, calibrated = calibrated, aligned = aligned) else: ctemp = self.reader.mkceres(date, sub = sub, target = self.targets[self.target_keys[target]], calibrated = calibrated, aligned = aligned) # add logic to print out a summary if name == None: name = ctemp.datestr # TODO handle if no date found either print('No series nickname given, defaulting to date string: ', name) else: print('Call series as: ', name) self.ceres_keys[name] = len(self.ceres) self.ceres.append(ctemp)
[docs] def mktrgt(self, name, constructor = Target): """ mktrgt takes a target name and constructs a object that is returned to self.targets. Parameters ---------- name: string target name as found in SIMBAD Returns ------- """ # TODO allow for nickname in keys # add dictionary # , coordinates = None self.target_keys[name] = len(self.targets) self.targets.append(constructor(name))
[docs] def savewrk(self, cr, filters = None): """ savewrk is a wrapper function for self.reader.savewrk. Parameters ---------- self.reader.savewrk args** Returns ------- """ self.reader.savewrk(cr, filters)
# logic to set reader and dorphot # move to ceres
[docs] def getDateString(self, cr, utc = None): """ getDateString computes the date string for the given ceres object. ceres time is represented in UTC while datestring is represented in local time. A UTC offset must be provided either by self.UTCoffest or by the utc arguement. Parameters ---------- cr : str the ceres object key to get the date string for. utc: float utc offset to apply to the date string. Default is None. Returns ------- """ ## TODO :: look into UTC wrecking stuff # if the hour is less than the utc offset of the site then the utc date is one ahead of local time epoch = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].date.ymdhms # epoch = date.ymdhms if (utc): if (epoch['hour'] + utc) < 0: day = str(epoch['day'] - 1) day2 = str(epoch['day']) month = str(epoch['month']) if (epoch['day'] - 1) < 10: day = '0' + str(epoch['day'] - 1) if epoch['day'] < 10: day2 = '0' + str(epoch['day']) if epoch['month'] < 10: month = '0' + str(epoch['month']) else: day = str(epoch['day']) day2 = str(epoch['day'] + 1) month = str(epoch['month']) if epoch['day'] < 10: day = '0' + str(epoch['day']) if epoch['day'] < 9: day2 = '0' + str(epoch['day'] + 1) if epoch['month'] < 10: month = '0' + str(epoch['month']) else: if (epoch['hour'] + self.UTCoffset) < 0: day = str(epoch['day'] - 1) day2 = str(epoch['day']) month = str(epoch['month']) if (epoch['day'] - 1) < 10: day = '0' + str(epoch['day'] - 1) if epoch['day'] < 10: day2 = '0' + str(epoch['day']) if epoch['month'] < 10: month = '0' + str(epoch['month']) else: day = str(epoch['day']) day2 = str(epoch['day'] + 1) month = str(epoch['month']) if epoch['day'] < 10: day = '0' + str(epoch['day']) if epoch['day'] < 9: day2 = '0' + str(epoch['day'] + 1) if epoch['month'] < 10: month = '0' + str(epoch['month']) datestr = str(epoch['year']) + '-' + month + '-' + day + '+' + day2 self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].datestr = datestr
# move to reader
[docs] def mkwrk(self, cr): """ mkwrk produces a working folder for saving a ceres object to the dorado data working directory for later use. Parameters ---------- cr : str ceres key for ceres instance to create working directory for. Returns ------- """ # TODO this should be a wrapper for reader if self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].datestr == None: self.getDateString(cr) datestr = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].datestr wrkdir = self.dordir / 'data' / 'wrk' os.makedirs(wrkdir / datestr, exist_ok = True) os.makedirs(wrkdir / datestr / 'aligned', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs(wrkdir / datestr / 'calibrated', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs(wrkdir / datestr / 'uncalibrated', exist_ok = True) os.makedirs(wrkdir / datestr / 'WCS', exist_ok = True)
# figures, targets, log, omitted images, observation metadata # move to utils or reader
[docs] def saveWCS(self, cr, filters = None): """ saveWCS takes a ceres object and an optional filters argument and saves the contained WCS data to the ceres objects working directory. Parameters ---------- cr : str ceres object key string for the relevent ceres object. filters : str or list of str filters of WCS data to be saved. Returns ------- """ wrkdir = self.dordir / 'data' / 'wrk' if self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].datestr == None: self.getDateString(cr) datestr = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].datestr self.mkwrk(cr) if filters == None: filters = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].filters.keys() for filter in filters: stack = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].data[self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].filters[filter]] if stack.wcs == None: self.dorphot.getWCS(filter, self) # TODO this is now in dorphot, should it be moved? fname = str(filter) + '-solved.fits' solved = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].data[self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].filters[filter]].solved solved.write(wrkdir / datestr / 'WCS' / fname, overwrite = True)
# not done might be redundant atm also shouldnt this belong to reader? # move to ceres or reader
[docs] def saveBase(self, cr, filters = None): """ saveBase save the base frame of a ceres object if any. Parameters ---------- cr: string ceres key string for relevent ceres object. filters: str or list of str filters to save base frame of a ceres object. Returns ------- """ wrkdir = self.dordir / 'data' / 'wrk' if self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].datestr == None: self.getDateString(cr) datestr = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].datestr print('Saved to data/wrk/', datestr) self.mkwrk(cr) if filters == None: filters = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].filters.keys() for filter in filters: imname = filter + '_base.fits' fname = wrkdir / datestr / imname base = self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].data[self.ceres[self.ceres_keys[cr]].filters[filter]].base base.write(fname, overwrite = True)
# not done might be redundant atm also shouldnt this belong to reader? # merge header Dorado = Dorado_core() # this gone pollute the namespace but ay lmao G = get_builtins() G[ 'G' ] = G G['Dorado'] = Dorado # we need to pass the calibration files(if none grab the most recent out of # dorado by closest mjd) # if there is no calibration files in dorado send a warning and set # calibration files to none # handle multi filter