Source code for dorado.core.utils

from astropy.nddata.ccddata import CCDData
from astroquery.astrometry_net import AstrometryNet
from astroquery.exceptions  import TimeoutError
from astropy.wcs import WCS

ast = AstrometryNet()

__all__ =  ['plate_solve', 'get_night', 'getDateString']

[docs]def plate_solve(dirarray, data = None, writearray = False): """ plate_solve takes a dirarray pointing to a fits file to plate solve using astrometryNet. It returns the solved image with the WCS header and the WCS header itself if the solve succeeded. If 'writearray' is set with a filepath array, a copy of the solved image will be saved. Parameters ---------- dirarray: str array filepath array to image to be solved. data: CCDData optional image data to combine with the WCS header on Default is data to be solved. Returns ------- """ # TODO better handle cache from here and check if API key # can we print a summary of the solve? path = Dorado.dordir for dir in dirarray: path = path / dir if data == None: data = #, unit = Dorado.unit) ## NOTE edited trying = True submission_id = None num = 0 while trying: try: if not submission_id: wcs_header = ast.solve_from_image(path, force_image_upload=True, submission_id=submission_id, solve_timeout=300) else: print('Monitoring: try #', num) wcs_header = ast.monitor_submission(submission_id, solve_timeout=300) except TimeoutError as e: print(TimeoutError) num = num + 1 print('Timed out: try #', num) submission_id = e.args[1] if wcs_header != None: # got a result, so terminate while loop trying = False if wcs_header: # Code to execute when solve succeeds print('Solve succeeded! :)') wcs_hdu = data wcs_hdu.header = wcs_header if writearray: path = Dorado.dordir for dir in writearray: path = path / dir wcs_hdu.write(path, overwrite = True) return wcs_hdu, wcs_header else: # Code to execute when solve fails print('Solve failed! :(') return
import datetime
[docs]def get_night(): """ get_night obtains a timestring for the most recent(previous) night based on local/hardware time provided by datetime. The format follows yyyy-mm-(dd-1)+dd where (dd-1) is last nights day of the month. This currently does not support dates at which the start of the observing night was the last day of the month. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- night: str Timestring for the most recent night. """ # currently does not support first/last of the month # option for last night or tonight # UTC or local time? date = year = date.year month = date.month day = # date1 = date2 - 1 # night = str(year) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + str(date1) + '+' + str(date2) if day < 10: daystr = '0' + str(day) else: daystr = str(day) if day < 9: day2str = '0' + str(day + 1) else: day2str = str(day + 1) if month < 10: monthstr = '0' + str(month) else: monthstr = str(month) night = str(year) + '-' + monthstr + '-' + daystr + '+' + day2str return night
from astropy.time import Time
[docs]def getDateString(self, epoch, utc = None): """ getDateString computes the date string for the given ceres object. ceres time is represented in UTC while datestring is represented in local time. A UTC offset must be provided either by self.UTCoffest or by the utc arguement. Parameters ---------- cr : str the ceres object key to get the date string for. utc: float utc offset to apply to the date string. Default is None. Returns ------- """ if type(epoch) == str: epoch = Time(epoch, format='fits') elif type(epoch) != type(Time): raise Exception("Could not parse input") # epoch = date.ymdhms <- desired time instance format # Fall back to Dorado UTC offset if UTC offset is not provided if not (utc): utc = Dorado.UTCoffset # if the hour is less than the utc offset of the site then the utc date is one ahead of local time if (epoch['hour'] + utc) < 0: day = str(epoch['day'] - 1) day2 = str(epoch['day']) month = str(epoch['month']) if (epoch['day'] - 1) < 10: day = '0' + str(epoch['day'] - 1) if epoch['day'] < 10: day2 = '0' + str(epoch['day']) if epoch['month'] < 10: month = '0' + str(epoch['month']) else: day = str(epoch['day']) day2 = str(epoch['day'] + 1) month = str(epoch['month']) if epoch['day'] < 10: day = '0' + str(epoch['day']) if epoch['day'] < 9: day2 = '0' + str(epoch['day'] + 1) if epoch['month'] < 10: month = '0' + str(epoch['month']) return str(epoch['year']) + '-' + month + '-' + day + '+' + day2