Source code for dorado.timeseries.timeseriesClass

#ts = QTable([times, exptimes, x, y, ray, decx, flux, fluxunc], names=('time', 'exptime', 'x', 'y', 'ra', 'dec', 'flux', 'flux_unc'), meta={'name': filter})

import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.table import QTable, Table
from import fits

__all__ = ['timeSeries']

[docs]class timeSeries: ''' The timeSeries Attributes ---------- name: str name of target in string format. ''' def __init__(self, times, flux, name = 'timeseries', exptimes = [], x = [], y = [], ra = [], dec = [], flux_unc = [], apsum = [], apsum_unc = [], fit_times = [], fit_flux = [], toml = [], OmC = [], cycle = [], table = None): # TODO append info on time system self.times = times self.flux = flux = name self.exptimes = exptimes self.x = x self.y = y self.ra = ra self.dec = dec self.flux_unc = flux_unc self.apsum = apsum self.apsum_unc = apsum_unc self.fit_times = fit_times self.fit_flux = fit_flux self.toml = toml self.OmC = OmC self.cycle = cycle self.table = table # self.symbo = None # make a symbolic expression to represent the curve analytically.
[docs] def toTable(self, name = None): ''' toTable is a convinience function that produces an atropy.Table object from the data stored within a dorado.timeseries instance. Parameters ---------- name: string The name to be used for the table. If none is given, (default is 'timeseries') is used. ''' if (name == None): name = # name is table name # TODO verify the mjd part is exporting properly self.table = QTable([self.times.mjd, self.flux], names=('time','flux'), meta={'name': name}) colnom = ['flux_unc', 'exptime', 'apsum', 'apsum_unc', 'x', 'y', 'ra', 'dec'] cols = [self.flux_unc, self.exptimes, self.apsum, self.apsum_unc, self.x, self.y, self.ra, self.dec] for col in range(len(colnom)): if cols[col] != []: try: self.table[colnom[col]] = cols[col] except: print('Error merging', colnom[col], ' with table.')
[docs] def graph(self, c_scale = False, err = True): ''' The graph function produces a graph of the photometric timeseries data as a lightcurve. ''' # TODO will also need graph of frequencies # TODO check if there is a fit involved import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # NOTE where is the best place to put this if self.table == None: self.toTable() # set up plot # TODO set up plotting style fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'aspect': 'equal'}) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Flux') try: ax.set_title(str( + ' Lightcurve') # TODO decide on title except: ax.set_title('Lightcurve') # TODO decide on title if c_scale: print('colour scaling not implemented yet, sorry bud...') z = 'yellow' # self.flux - np.min(self.flux) else: z = 'gold' if err: ax.errorbar(self.times.mjd, self.flux, xerr = self.exptimes / 2, yerr = self.flux_unc, c = z) else: ax.plot(self.times.mjd, self.flux, c = z) ax.grid() plt.tight_layout()