
class dorado.core.aico_reader[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Methods Summary


Dirscan takes a filepath array and scans the resulting directory for Bias, Flats, and Lights based on a simple filename pattern.


mkBias takes a list of bias images to construct a combined bias image.


mkFlat takes a list of flats to construct a calibrated flatfield image.

mkceres(date[, sub, target, calibrated, aligned])

mkceres creates a ceres object from a given datestring for an observation and an optional instance.

savewrk(cr[, filters])

savewrk takes a ceres key and a list of filters to save and saves the desired data to the dorado working directory '$user/.dorado/data/wrk/'.

Methods Documentation

dirscan(dirarray)[source] [edit on github]

Dirscan takes a filepath array and scans the resulting directory for Bias, Flats, and Lights based on a simple filename pattern. Data can be either all in this single directory or in appropriately named sub directories(i.e. ‘/bias’, ‘/flats’, and ‘/lights’).

This currently only supports single filter data

dirarray: str array

array containing the path to the desired directory.

mkBias(biasIFC)[source] [edit on github]

mkBias takes a list of bias images to construct a combined bias image. ————> this needs to be corrected for the new image storage format

biasIFC: array[CCDdata]

array of raw bias images.

bias: CCDdata

The combined bias image.

mkFlat(flats)[source] [edit on github]

mkFlat takes a list of flats to construct a calibrated flatfield image.

flats: array[CCDdata]

array of raw flatfields. ————> this needs to be corrected for the new image storage format

flat: CCDdata

The combined calibrated flatfield image.

mkceres(date, sub='raw', target=None, calibrated=False, aligned=False)[source] [edit on github]

mkceres creates a ceres object from a given datestring for an observation and an optional instance. mkceres can be pointed to calibrated or aligned data via the calibrated and aligned boolean flags (Note, in this case ‘sub’ should be set to ‘wrk’).

date: date string

Instance of dorado.stack class to add to self.

sub: string

pointer string denoting subfolder to ‘$user/.dorado/data’ (dorado directory/data/). Default is ‘raw’

target: instance to use as the target for the created dorado.ceres object. Default is None

calibrated: boolean

sets whether the imported images are calibrated and within an ‘calibrated’ folder. Default is False.

aligned: boolean

sets whether the imported images are aligned and within an ‘aligned’ folder. Default is False.

savewrk(cr, filters=None)[source] [edit on github]

savewrk takes a ceres key and a list of filters to save and saves the desired data to the dorado working directory ‘$user/.dorado/data/wrk/’.

cr: string

The relevent name string of Ceres instance to save.

filter: str

String representation of the relevent filter. Default is all filters in ceres instance.
