Getting to know the core of dorado

Dorado sorta breaks the rules when it comes to python by elevating its existence in the python runtime/namespace to the same level as python itself. Once imported by any script in a python runtime, a single instance of dorado will be accesable anywhere by any script, package or function without further import or passing. One can think of this similar to how once python starts running, functions like print() and int() do not need to be imported or passed. For those curious, this simply involved inserting an instance dorado into the current run of pythons ‘built_in’ namespace at import. Some programmers may be upset by this move and feel that dorado is ‘polluting the namespace’ but we feel that the benefit of the efficiency and ease of use that this move grants is worth temporarily adding a single additional entry to the python namespace.

import dorado

While Dorado is pretty flexible in terms of functionality and use, Dorado does apply some strict procedures to keep things organized and universal; this is most apparent within .dorado directory which will be created either upon install of Dorado or upon the first time Dorado is imported. The .dorado directory will be located within your home directory, the location of the home directory varies with operating system.

This directory when created has the following format:

├── data
│   ├── wrk
│   └── bias
│   └── flats
│   └── raw
│   └── graphical
│   └── projects
│   └── targets
├── logs
├── cache
│   └── astrometryNet

Lets look at the /data folder, raw astronomical data is stored in subfolders within the /raw folder. Subfolders in the raw data directory should take a naming scheme based on the date of observation /YYYY-MM-DD+DD where the DD+DD portion denotes the date before and after local midnight during the observing night. The inside of the nights folder can take the form of one of two basic file structures; single directory, where all files are stored within the folder with no subdirectories, and multi level directory, where there is a folder for lights, bias, and flatfield frames. If multiple filters were used to observe, multilevel directory format allows for each filter to have its own subdirectory in the lights and flatfield directories.

The /bias and /flats directory store the base bias and flatfield images produced by Dorado for each relevent date. In the event that an observing session lacked these calibration frames, Dorado will consult these two directories to retrieve the closest in date calibration frames to use for calibration.


In the near future this functionality will be expanded upon to allow constraints on the max date separation allowed between the retrieved calibration frames and the date of observation; as well as the ability to compare these calibration frames over time to see how your imaging setup changes and thus allow you to refine your max date separation constraints.

The `/wrk directory contains the working folders for your processed data, this is the default location for any calibrated, aligned, or otherwise worked with images. Data saved will follow the /YYYY-MM-DD+DD subdirectory naming scheme.

At the current epoch, the /graphical and /projects subdirectories are unused but in the near future /graphical will store any finalized stacked or colour merged images, graphs, or timeseries plots, and /projects will be a place to store data pertaining to ongoing projects that span more than one observing session and target. In the future the community will be consulted as to how best organize and interact with the project directory.

The /targets directory is a directory used to store target data used by Dorado for future use in the context of the Target class object.

The /logs folder is th future home of log files produced by Dorado during operation, this may either be during observations or during subsequent data operations. These logs can then be used to debug pipelines and Dorado or used for future reference as to what actions were performed on a dataset.

The /cache folder is a place for Dorado to temporarily store files to the hard disk while performing certain tasks such as uploading frames to ‘’ and downloading the results suring runtime. The cache may also be used to store temporary log files or any other file objects that are temporary in nature and need a place to exist where it is easily acessible while also easy to remove via cache cleaning commands.


dorado.core Package

This is the docstring for the examplesubpkg package. Normally you would have files in this directory implementing some modules, but this is just an example sub-package, so it doesn’t actually do anything.



Class Inheritance Diagram

digraph inheritance80d042232f { bgcolor=transparent; rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "aico_reader" [URL="../../api/dorado.core.aico_reader.html#dorado.core.aico_reader",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; }

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